Who will work in Hotels? -- FAQ

Firstly we have to ask the questions whether hotels as we currently know it will still exist within an Equal Money System. If we investigate the starting point of the existence of hotels currently we can see that the only reason is that of profit maximisation. They are only here for the selected elite and do not take into consideration the whole of humanity.

The first priority within an Equal Money System is to provide everyone with adequate housing – for this, hotels will be perfect. If after everyone has been taken care of in terms of housing and accommodation, we can look at other functions for hotels. If it is the case that after the most prominent points have been taken care of and some hotels still remain, then we can still use them as hotels. The management however of hotels will change completely. It will no longer be an experience where one gets pampered and where other human beings serve you in terms of cleaning, food, etc. The most practical would be to turn it into a structure of self-service where if someone decides to take a room in a hotel for whatever purpose -- that you take full responsibility for this room as if it were your own. In terms of food their might be a possibility of restaurant availability as cooking will definitely be an area of expression that many will wish to explore.

So in a sense the hotels will be run and taken care of by those who intend to make use of it.

For more on Equal Money FAQ, check out the "What the FAQ is Equal Money System?": 


Marlen said...

lol such simplicity, cool no more slaves! thanks Leila and remove the spammers!

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